Dr. Suess was born in 1904, in March. His occupation was an ad man, cartoonist, and author. His real name is Theodor Suess Geisel. Some of his achievements is writing The Cat in the Hat.
This picture was found at http://www.facts4me.com.
Two weeks passed and it happened again, the gremlin came back from under the house! It started to move around. Suddenly, it started to grow! It grew bigger and bigger until it stopped growing. It was the size of two Golden Retrievers. He made the rug pop open! The gremlin started to eat everything! The couch,chair,coffee table,lamppost,and table. The man was so mad at the gremlin. He tried pushing, pulling, and carrying but nothing worked, so the police came and tried to pull, push, and carry. The police called the army and the army and the army pushed, pulled, and carried. No one could push, pull, or carry the giant gremlin out of the man’s house. The man bought a crane. He had to take his roof off of the walls. It was 12:00 p.m. by the time he was finished. He went to bed. The next morning the gremlin was gone! “Oh no!” said the man.
The End
I learned how to multiply by 8’s.
I struggled with division.
I was suprised that we were making our own cities.
I was dissapointed that we only had a little bit of time to do our final copy.
One day Mr. Silly was walking in the park. (Mr. Silly can do unusual things. For example, he can swim like a shark. He can hide like a dolphin and he can run as fast as a roadrunner.) Suddenly he saw his job crumbling down to the ground. He ran as fast as he could. When he got there he saw bricks everywhere. He was so sad that he almost cried to death. Next, he called his loyal companion Ricky. He could build anything really quick. He was there in 2 seconds. They started to build together. Soon enough, the building was restored. He was so happy he almost blasted to Pluto. Everybody came back to work at Mr. Silly’s job. Also, the building could talk thanks to Ricky. Ricky did that so the building could warn Mr. Silly before crumbling down.
The End!
burning: Mercury:: warm: Earth
horsefly: 6 legs:: spider: 8 legs
teacher: teaching:: student: learning
bear: big:: salamander: little
Ethan: boy:: Olivia: girl
Facts from Volcanoes by Simon Adams
Mount Vesuvius is located in Italy. It’s the only active volcano in Rome. It is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. The volcanic ash buried the city of Pompeii. Pompeii was slowly recovered by an earthquake. In Pompeii, ash blocked the sun by1:00 p.m. and the people tried to clear heavy ash from rooftops as it fell at a rate of about 6 inches an hour. It erupted in 79 A.D. Few people escaped this eruption. The people died of suffocation from the gases that came from the volcano. The last eruption of Mount Vesuvius was in 1944.
One day in Woodwill, Sally the skunk, Harry the hare, Oscar the owl, and Sam the squirrel were walking in the park. Then Harry was thinking about Bob the bear. He looked behind him and Bob wasn’t there! He asked his friends, ” Hey guys, where’s Bob?” His friends exclaimed, “We don’t know!” They all decided to look for Bob. They looked outside the city. ” Not here,” said Sam. ” But I did find a huge raccoon!” Everyone screamed and ran away! Next, they checked the forest, ” Not here,” said Sally. ” But I did find a big orange and white rock!” Harry said, “T-t-that’s not a-a-a r-r-rock.” “I-i-it’s a tiger!” They all ran for their lives! After that, they checked the city. They spotted a tree. They looked up high and saw a scary face! They all ran rapidly away from the tree. Next, Oscar said “Knock knock.” The other animals asked “Who’s there?” Oscar said “Boo.” Everyone else said “Boo who?” Oscar said, “Don’t cry it’s just a joke.” Harry said “Oscar, this isn’t a time for jokes. Bob’s lost and we need to find him.” They all decided to go home. After they were about to walk into their houses, Bob came out of his cave after a long nap. He asked his friends if they wanted to take a walk in the park. They said “Yes!” And from that day forward they took a walk everyday.
Harriet Tubman was one of many leaders that helped slaves. To start with Harriet Tubman had perseverance. She never gave up on her dream of freedom. Additionally she was brave. She didn’t want to get caught, but she ran away anyway, so she wouldn’t get killed or whipped again. Another example is that she was diligent. She worked hard on leading her people to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Finally she was helpful. She helped on the plantation when she was 8 because she was told to do it. I think we can learn a thing or two from Harriet Tubman, don’t you?
Dear Mrs. Parker:
Would you give us 10 more minutes of recess? According to health.usa.com recess would make us be calm and ready to work for the rest of the day. We will listen better and be more focused. It also has a positive impact on academic achievement.
Ethan G.