Civil War Amazing Facts

Lincoln’s assassination

1. Where was the Secret Service?

It didn’t exist yet, although, Lincoln signed a bill creating it the night before.

2. Where was General Grant?

He wanted to be in New Jersey! Grant was advertised to be at the event, but he declined the invitation so he could travel with his wife to New Jersey to visit relatives.

3. Lincoln almost didn’t go to Ford’s Theater.

Lincoln was reluctant to go to the play. However, since General Grant cancelled, he felt obliged to attend, even though his wife didn’t feel well.

4. Where was Lincoln’s bodyguard?

John Parker, the bodyguard, initially left his position to watch the play, and then he went to the saloon next door for intermission. It was the same saloon where Booth was drinking. No one knows where Parker was during the assassination, but he wasn’t at his position at the door to the booth.

5. What was the plan?

Booth meant to capture the president and keep him hostage, but, there were too many people at the theater, so he assassinated him instead.
